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Linda-Gail Bekker

Committee of Recommendation

Brief info

Linda-Gail Bekker is Professor of Medicine and Chief Operating Officer of the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation. She is also Director of the Desmund Tutu HIV Centre at the University of Cape Town. She is a Past President of the International AIDS Society (2016-18).

Bekker is passionate about engagement with communities and peer led education programs. Her community work looks to overcome stigma related to HIV and Tuberculosis. The Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, where Bekker serves as Chief Operating Officer, supports the wellbeing of people in South Africa's poorest communities.

In 2016 she was elected President of the International AIDS Society. She gave the opening address at the International AIDS Society Conference in Paris, where she spoke about new prevention options such as Pre-exposure prophylaxis. In 2018 she was elected to the board of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative.

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About Rainbow Salute

The Rainbow Salute Initiative works to celebrate and honour LGBTIAQ+ activists and HIV/AIDS activists in countries where the societal and/or political environment is against the aforementioned communities. The Rainbow Salute Foundation is the backbone of the initiative.

Rainbow Salute Foundation is an ANBI organisatio

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