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The Rainbow Salute Foundation at Amsterdam Pride 2024

Excited to be selected for Amsterdam Pride 2024

Stichting Rainbow Salute (as the Rainbow Salute Foundation is registered in the Netherlands) got selected to be one of the 80 boats that will be part of the Amsterdam Pride Canal Parade 2024! We are honored and happy to be given this opportunity by Pride Amsterdam.

Rainbow Salute board members Marianne Troostwijk-Nap and Eric Klaver were there to receive the news and sign the necessary agreements.


The Rainbow Salute Initiative will work hard to organise a boat, on which activists for LGBTQIA+ and HIV/Aids causes have a chance to experience to be celebrated by the thousands of people of all diversity who will be lining the canal as we will sail past. They will be truly saluted by the crowd, and seen for who they are and the things they do. At the same time, we will do everything necessary to protect the safety of the activists. The fact that some of them will have to be unrecognisable to protect themselves and their family underlines the circumstances under which their work is done.

If you are not personally free to be yourself in that most important of all human activities – the expression of love – than live itself loses it’s meaning

Harvey Milk

Are you, or do you know an activist that would want to be part of this celebration and be on our boat, get in touch!

Are you someone who would like to be part of the organisation for our pride presence, let us know!

About Rainbow Salute

The Rainbow Salute Initiative works to celebrate and honour LGBTIAQ+ activists and HIV/AIDS activists in countries where the societal and/or political environment is against the aforementioned communities. The Rainbow Salute Foundation is the backbone of the initiative.

Rainbow Salute Foundation is an ANBI organisatio

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