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Pride Boat Amsterdam Pride 2024

The Rainbow Salute Foundation was granted a ticket to sail in the Amsterdam Pride Canal Parade 2024! One of only 80 boats that will form the parade, we’re extremely proud to get this opportunity.

Our boat will feature activists for LGBTQIA+ and HIV/Aids causes, from different places in the world. On this page we’ll keep you updated on the plans and the progress.

The theme for this year’s Pride is ‘TOGETHER’. Which of course is PERFECT for what the Rainbow Salute Initiative stands for. We’re in this together, and the Amsterdam crowds watching along the canal will show our international heroes that they are supported, appreciated and celebrated.

Organising the boat as well as getting activists there to be celebrated will have a significant price tag. For which we’ll be looking for (company/organisational) sponsors and individual donors. We’re hoping to raise €4.000 in individual donations. If you are a potential sponsor, get in touch through!

If you have any opportunity, no matter how big or small, to help out by donating to this event, you’re making our day! We will keep you updated here on how we’re getting along with the organisation.

€45 of €4.000 raised
Please help us to organise the boat with activists, on the Amsterdam Canal Pride Parade 2024
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Donation Total: €10,00

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About Rainbow Salute

The Rainbow Salute Initiative works to celebrate and honour LGBTIAQ+ activists and HIV/AIDS activists in countries where the societal and/or political environment is against the aforementioned communities. The Rainbow Salute Foundation is the backbone of the initiative.

Rainbow Salute Foundation is an ANBI organisatio

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