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RSF Recognised by Dutch Tax Service as ANBI

Excited to be selected for Amsterdam Pride 2024

Stichting Rainbow Salute (as the Rainbow Salute Foundation is registered in the Netherlands) is now officially recognised by the Dutch Tax Service as a Public Benefit Purpose Entity (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellling, ANBI).

In short, this is a classification which gives the foundation a special status in the Dutch Tax system. Donations to ANBI-registered organisations are deductable, making it more interesting for companies to support the foundation.

The Rainbow Salute Foundation is a Non-Government Organisation, a Not-For-Profit organisation, and now officially also a Public Benefit Purpose Entity. 

We’re very proud to be recognised as such, the basis for the determination being our founding statutes and our policy plan, both can be found on the foundation mission and vision page. If anyone needs a translation, contact us!

If you are not personally free to be yourself in that most important of all human activities – the expression of love – than live itself loses it’s meaning

Harvey Milk


About Rainbow Salute

The Rainbow Salute Initiative works to celebrate and honour LGBTIAQ+ activists and HIV/AIDS activists in countries where the societal and/or political environment is against the aforementioned communities. The Rainbow Salute Foundation is the backbone of the initiative.

Rainbow Salute Foundation is an ANBI organisatio

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